Cylinder gasket material for (DIY) Mac 4318A rebuild


Jun 8, 2023
Hello everyone I am rebuilding a Mac 4318A (72HP) 0100 engine. I am quite comfortable selecting the gasket material for the carburetor and fuel pump and other general fittings. My question is about selecting gasket material to put the cylinder heads back on with. Mostly, I am interested in making my own gaskets and would like your input as to the brand and type (part number) of gasket material to make these from. Secondly, I am also interested in purchasing ready made gaskets if anyone knows of a supplier. (Note: the engine that I am currently "rebuilding" seems to just need to be disassembled, de-gunked, and then reassembled. It seemed "seized" at first but once cylinders and pistons were removed some gumout carb cleaner on the bearings and everything is moving freely now. Notes from the owners son indicate that this engine was purchased as rebuilt, and run in their driveway but never flown.) Any and all help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Qualifier: I am not a Mac rebuilder!

But, Most air cooled engines where the head clamps the cylinders to the case, use copper, or some other soft metal rings to seal between the cylinder and the head. These can generally be ordered in varying thicknesses to adjust the compression ratio a bit.
They are usually available in almost any size from some of the big piston ring Mfg, companies and also industrial suppliers for large compressors.
If these are in fact what a Mac uses, they are not engine specific, they are size specific and should not be too hard to track down...

Now lets see what the actual Mac people say......