Cicare Helicopters Now Available In the US


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Dec 23, 2022
PAP Tinox 185 140 prop Paramotor and working on Gyro PPL
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1500+ Paragliding, 200+ Paramotor, 25+ Sailplanes, Cessna 172 12+
[] - Cicare Helicopters Now Available In the US [] - Cicare Helicopters Now Available In the US
$113,210 from this page (US page). Likely b/4 engine & all the electronic add-ons needed.

That exact same figure is also shown whether one selects the language of that page from the top right portion of that page (US, French, German or Spanish). So, no difference shown in Euros or USD...

In the "Choose Your Aircraft Kit "drop down menu, they show that price for several single seat & one of their two seat models they have.
Then for the other two seat version, the price jumps to $157,635.
Their trainer cost is $132,960.
One can also choose to use the Rotax 912 ULS for their single seat model of $22,893.
Or, $40,316 for the Rotax 914 UL.
For the higher priced two seat model, $43,089 using the Rotax iS 915.

Builder Assist shows $20K.
Rotorblades are $21,725.
Cicare Helicopter hat (looks to be a baseball style cap) is $43.

They do list the following on this page:
"The engines used consume 35% less fuel than traditional aviation engines with similar performance. Resulting in a noticeable reduction in the carbon footprint of the aircraft."

So, disregarding the reducing of carbon footprint hysteria bit, they emphasize the reduction in fuel consumption using the Rotax 900 series of engines compared to the standard certified engines used in helicopters. Over one third less fuel used is an impressive figure! It certainly adds up to considerably less operating costs vs. the certified helis!
Cicare Helicopter has some really stunning photos & spec drawings in their PDFs!

They do list their 8R model (using the R915 iS) Max Hover is 6K'.
Buy a used R22
Sorry I'm weighing in a bit late, took some time to sort my membership.

The current spec sheets reflect the minimums we were required to demonstrate for the German LTF-ULH and French Class 6. Factory builds complete aircraft under those type certificates. I live in Reno (approx 4,500 MSL) so we'll be expanding the flight envelope a bit once we have our first flying here.

In North and Central America, Cicaré USA currently provides complete aircraft kits (incl instruments and a Comm radio) as well as new Rotax engines as an OEM. As you mention in the thread above, the quoting page has prices for each model both with as well as without the engine.

We currently have a Cicaré 8R being assembled in our shop at US operations in Reno. We do plan on being at Sun-n-Fun 2024 and EAA Airventure in Oshkosh in 2024 with a flying Cicaré 8R (Rotax 915 iS) and possibly the Cicaré Trainer.

Sorry about the hat price, it was only put there to test the online store. Figured if someone really wanted it at $43 I'd figure out a way to produce. We haven't focused much on swag, but will be getting some things after the first of the year. I'll get it removed till then.

I lead the rotorcraft task group for the ASTM F37 committee and we're creating the manufacturing standards for the new light-sport helicopter as part of the MOSAIC rewrite and the new FAR Part 22 for light sport aircraft. FAA is targeting the final rule in fall of 2024 and once final it will be using the manuf standards we're creating now. Once final, Cicaré helicopters will be available in the US as light-sport helicopters (completely assembled and tested) under this new type certificate. We will still sell kits as well, same exact components, to allow for lower cost to builders.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.

Keith Barr
President & CEO
Cicaré USA
[email protected]
+1 (925) 872-3980 cell/txt