CFI Pop Quiz #306 - Motion

Chris Burgess

Oct 30, 2004
Winter Garden FL 34787
Many makes and models, prefer open frame, Sold my SnoBird Tandem
Total Flight Time
Motion sickness is caused by

A) continued stimulation of the tiny portion of the inner ear which controls sense of balance.
B) an instability in the brain cells which affects balance and will generally be overcome with experience.
C) the movement of an aircraft causing the stomach to create an acid substance which causes the stomach lining to contract.
Motion sickness is caused by

I thought it was caused by watching Ron A flying. :D :D :D
A... which caused the "acid substance" from C to project from my mouth... and some brain instability as well. (Some people say I still suffer from it). Now, when the waves are up, I take Dramamine before going Scuba diving.
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A is the correct technical answer, I believe. But personally I feel it is because
what your eyes see and what your body feels are in disagreement, which results in a sort of visceral disorientation effect.
Part of what I love about rotorcraft is that they don't bob around as much as a fixed wing. I was in Kansas flying a Ran's S6 and it bobed around so much on final I thought I was going to throw up. I believe that throwing up would have made the flare less elegant. I learned to fly a helicopter in Kansas and I never had a challenge with motion sickness. The only time I have had a challenge in an autogyro is about the sixth lap of a turn anround a point in a 15 kt gusting wind. I got a little dizzy from looking down and trying to maintain my ground position.

Thank you, Vance
I'm thinking A. Probably due to the idea that I can still get motion sick with my eyes shut.

"A" is most correct. Motion sickness is caused by (A) continued stimulation of the tiny portion of the inner ear which controls sense of balance.

To overcome motion sickness, open up the air vents (closed cabin guys), loosen the clothing, use supplemental oxygen (?), and keep the eyes on a point outside the aircraft. Avoid unnecessary head movements, cancel the flight and land as soon as possible. Reference FAA-H-8083-25
i thought motion sickness symptoms where of feeln tyred. Remidy, stop.[ no motion, no sickness]