Tina, if you bring it to Bensen Days or ROC, I will personally "Turn you on", I mean "Start your motor," I mean, "Crank you up," Damn! "Prop off your gyro."....
You know what I mean.
If not me, I'm sure Ron or somebody will. But like Ron said, once you get the hang of it, it's not hard or even scary.....For some reason, props don't need to be thrown with alot of force. Once you get your gyro secured by chocks or people, You just flip it a few times with the switch off and with some throttle. They reduce your throttle, switch on, and flip. It will iether start or not.
I'm sure someone at the iether fly-in can teach you the correct method of "Hand Starting" and provide you with supervision throughout the process. I think you'll find thats it's not bad, and I kinda thought it was fun.
BTW, if after you try "Hand Starting" for a little while, you still don't like it or the idea, you can always add a starter. But before you through the "Brain damage" of adding one, I'd give the hand start a try first (under supervision of course).
Good Luck