CAD CAm expert plz raise hands !! I have a part time job for you guys..
what makes you think here americans only ?Why don't you find a good CAD/CAM expert in Pakistan. Will cost you 1/8th of an American engineer. You want to pay $80k/year for an American CAD/CAM engineering tech?
We are upwards of $120k now and too busy to mess with side work.Why don't you find a good CAD/CAM expert in Pakistan. Will cost you 1/8th of an American engineer. You want to pay $80k/year for an American CAD/CAM engineering tech?
what makes you think here americans only ?
What do you need help with my friend?CAD CAm expert plz raise hands !! I have a part time job for you guys..
I had bought 2d drawings ( thinking it to be 3d ) of heli as 350. i want 3d design from these 2d file. the file is in Mb so unable to attach it here.What do you need help with my friend?
the goal here is to just delete the required nodes. when i drag the box all the nodes are selected and the whole curve is deleted. i have tried in creo, solid edge, inskscape but all behaving in the same manner. the most i can do is move a node but then the whole curve get deshaped.What is your goal here? Every software is a little different, but in the software I use, I can select all the nodes simply by dragging a box around them and delete them all at the same time, or switch them to line, smooth curve, etc... However, once the nodes are selected, you can't use the delete key, but rather the "D" key on the keyboard (or right click and delete).
What is your goal here? Every software is a little different, but in the software I use, I can select all the nodes simply by dragging a box around them and delete them all at the same time, or switch them to line, smooth curve, etc... However, once the nodes are selected, you can't use the delete key, but rather the "D" key on the keyboard (or right click and delete).