Bensen Days 2024


Gold Member
Oct 30, 2003
Plant City, Fl
Total Flight Time
Has anyone already there taken any photos? Would love to see what’s going on. Pops and I will be meeting there Friday morning and staying for the day. I can’t wait to see all my friends and gyro family.

Be prepared the annual Bensen Days nasty ass storm from the Northwest is on its way. It’s just beginning to rain and blow a little bit here in South Tampa.
Lot's of good photos from BD 2024 up and posted on the PRA Facebook page - a really good mix of gyros

Unfortunately I no longer choose to be part of Zuckerberg’s heard. I got banned from Facebook a few years ago and I let it go. I didn’t even appeal it I want nothing to do with it. So I would love to see some pictures here on a dedicated forum to gyros where everyone can see him not just Facebook friends.
Unfortunately I no longer choose to be part of Zuckerberg’s heard. I got banned from Facebook a few years ago and I let it go. I didn’t even appeal it I want nothing to do with it. So I would love to see some pictures here on a dedicated forum to gyros where everyone can see him not just Facebook friends.
Never banned because I never joined, but I also don't want the Zuck-man profiting from marketing my personal data. Life is actually possible without FB.
two sets up on PRA FB of photos - one of 26 images and another of 18 images - by the talented Tony Accurso
Never banned because I never joined, but I also don't want the Zuck-man profiting from marketing my personal data. Life is actually possible without FB.
I find it to be much more peaceful. Facebook gives one a fault sense of importance I discovered after getting off of it. I’m not quite so important as I thought I was. Nobody really gives a crap what we think they just care about what they think. Just another way for those that want to control us to control us.

I do miss my friends on Facebook from the flying community. There is one on the Gyro Facebook page for life. I cannot remember his name he’s from Germany. He used to fly in MTO. I swear to God part of his name says Kai KAI and I believe he’s Heidelberg, Germany. He was supposed to go to Benson days the year we had Covid and had to cancel obviously. The last I knew he was flying one of those things that Paul flies. I can never remember the name of the thing really wide-open to tan I believe it’s from Poland. Anyone know him on here perhaps you can give me his information cause I’d really like to talk to him. It’s been a few years.
Steve McGowan's Black Parsons is still earning its keep.

During one Bensen Days video, the narrator during Steve's demonstration flight mentioned that Black has gone through 18 Mazda Rotary engines. Does anyone know if that claimed amount is correct?

On the FAA database, Black's airworthiness date is 09 November 2007 - just about 16.5 years ago. The manufactured year is listed as 1994.

I know at one time he had three of them at all times. One on the machine and newly rebuilt one in the back of his truck and one at the shop being rebuilt. That machine is a testament to the strength and durability of 6061 T6 aluminum. I doubt there’s a stainless steel air frame out there with as many hours on it is that machine as many engines on it as that machine or as many takeoff and landings as that machine. The favorite metal of modern gyro designers and sea going vessels would never last that long in my opinion.
I was going to setup a photo gallery for B Day photos on the PRA Website but Tony does not want them anywhere but Facebook for now.
I find it to be much more peaceful. Facebook gives one a fault sense of importance I discovered after getting off of it. I’m not quite so important as I thought I was. Nobody really gives a crap what we think they just care about what they think. Just another way for those that want to control us to control us.

I do miss my friends on Facebook from the flying community. There is one on the Gyro Facebook page for life. I cannot remember his name he’s from Germany. He used to fly in MTO. I swear to God part of his name says Kai KAI and I believe he’s Heidelberg, Germany. He was supposed to go to Benson days the year we had Covid and had to cancel obviously. The last I knew he was flying one of those things that Paul flies. I can never remember the name of the thing really wide-open to tan I believe it’s from Poland. Anyone know him on here perhaps you can give me his information cause I’d really like to talk to him. It’s been a few years.
I joined Facebook and have only friended about 3 people. Post and view on Lonestar Rotorcraft, Aviomania, PRA. No hostility or any issues. I don't care for Social Media but all I'm seeing is Gyro stuff.

I joined Facebook and have only friended about 3 people. Post and view on Lonestar Rotorcraft, Aviomania, PRA. No hostility or any issues. I don't care for Social Media but all I'm seeing is Gyro stuff.

Well, unfortunately I fell in the trap of trying to argue my point about who I liked and what I liked and what I didn’t like and what I hated. I come to realize now all I did was make me look like a real jackass. Social media should be treated as society used to be at least here in the South. my grandmother taught me that certain things should not be discussed in polite society, otherwise it will erupt into arguments, leading to a chaotic society. The things that she told me not to argue about what I ended up arguing about. Some of the various subjects in my opinion, just like bashing your head against a brick wall, trying to get someone else to change their mind about are religion, politics, and abortion. These were not things I was talking about. I was trying to convince people of my view and get them to come over to my side without realizing in fact, they were doing the same thing. Therefore I no longer talk about things to be honest what I say or what I do about it is my business and I really don’t need to broadcast it.
It's wonderful to have Tony Arccuso taking his fabulous pics of the event ...he did a wonderful job at ElMirage last September ...and he has helped push the anniversary year (70th) of Igor Bensen's first gyro-glider flight year will be the powered gyro flight 70th anniversary!
Facebook pictures posted on Bensen Days, PRA & Tony's pages.
Well, unfortunately I fell in the trap of trying to argue my point about who I liked and what I liked and what I didn’t like and what I hated. I come to realize now all I did was make me look like a real jackass. Social media should be treated as society used to be at least here in the South. my grandmother taught me that certain things should not be discussed in polite society, otherwise it will erupt into arguments, leading to a chaotic society. The things that she told me not to argue about what I ended up arguing about. Some of the various subjects in my opinion, just like bashing your head against a brick wall, trying to get someone else to change their mind about are religion, politics, and abortion. These were not things I was talking about. I was trying to convince people of my view and get them to come over to my side without realizing in fact, they were doing the same thing. Therefore I no longer talk about things to be honest what I say or what I do about it is my business and I really don’t need to broadcast it.
I don't post my views, don't get into discussions over controversial topics. Gyro focused ans no issues. Keeps me sane!
It's wonderful to have Tony Arccuso taking his fabulous pics of the event ...he did a wonderful job at ElMirage last September ...and he has helped push the anniversary year (70th) of Igor Bensen's first gyro-glider flight year will be the powered gyro flight 70th anniversary!
Facebook pictures posted on Bensen Days, PRA & Tony's pages.
Would be nice If there was a PRA "reporter" on site who would provide narrative, videos and pictures the could be posted for all to see. At any Gyro event!

Well ...I AM BUSY creating new "interviews" of gyro-pilots and attendees for the next PRA E-zine content! ...and will do an event report for the PRA E-Zine!
BTW ...How many here read/enjoyed/had any constructive commentary on the 30 page E-zine we put out in December ...THAT IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL TO READ FOR FREE ...for a short time SHOW that we are BACK ...publishing a PRA rotorcraft magazine ( member benefit - IF THAT IS PROVEN to be enough enticement for membership return!)

Guess those here who want this narrative & photos will just have to show some interest in plunking down a PRA membership to read all about it!

.... when you get free milk - no need to buy the cow!

& Denis will do a report for Sun'n Fun.
I've not heard any comments, and have only seen 2 new memberships in the past month!

Lack of interest? I don't know!

Just wishing we had more real time content on the website and not on Facebook were you can't find it after a few days. Must be the fixation with Instant gratification. Wish I knew.

I used to post a LOT here ... but when this platform made getting the large Camera & iPhone pic files too onerous to shrink/upload - then I just gave up!
Farcebark so bloody EASY to click pics & post caption & comment! user friendly!

BUT I do agree ... the daily archive gets rapidly lost - unless one creates "album" I have with personal flying adventure with lots of pics KS Fly-Tours!
Hello all,
Im very sorry to say that I cannot make it this year. I discovered some issues on my current rotor blades and they need to be replaced. I will be getting a set of razor blades. I am flying it now and wanted to fly at Bensen days, will have to wait till next year. Everyone have fun and be safe!


[] - Bensen Days 2024