BD or ROC, which is bigger for gyros?


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2003
Tellico Plains, TN

Subject pretty much says it all. Which event has more gyro activity?

I might be able to get down to BD for a day, but could certainly plan to attend ROC in October. If BD is that much bigger of an event for gyros, then I might try extra hard to get down there, even though I couldn't spend much time there.

I have never been to ROC,but I have been told BD's is the secon largest gyro event of ther year. Mentone is the only one bigger. Bensen Days is usually where everyone brings their new projects they have been working on all winter. This year will be pretty big since my Dad and Dick Degraw hope to finally show their new gyro LIfINo flying in public. If you can make it will be worth it trust me.
I would say BD's is your best bet, Rusty.

I haven't been to ROC either and like you...I can only make it to BD for one partial day...usually Thursday or Friday. I believe if you can only make one day...Saturday would be the best. I'm sure others will comment as to the best day to attend.

If I had my would be on Saturday.

Cheers :)
I should like to visit/participate n both. I missed it I must say.
When I flew trasatlantic flights from Europe and we had few
days crew rest often visited places like this.
Thanks for the replies. My only option to attend BD is probably Friday, but even that isn't certain at this point. Unfortunately, I have to be at a family reunion in N GA Friday night through the weekend, so Sat ain't gonna happen this year.

Since my primary interest is Dominators, clearly BD has the home field advantage over ROC. I'll keep working on the schedule.

Is there a best time of day to be there? In other words, is there more flying in the morning, or afternoon?

Rusty (platenuts calling me)
Fog is always a factor first thing in the morn, but it allows everyone time so as soon as it lifts everyone is ready and just like in the movies a massive flock of birds take to the air.
9ish would be my guess, but thats all.
JRB549 said:
Fog is always a factor first thing in the morn, but it allows everyone time so as soon as it lifts everyone is ready and just like in the movies a massive flock of birds take to the air.
9ish would be my guess, but thats all.
Ha! You get there at nine and you will have missed Dave Prater wake everyone up. Or miss the Tent City crew from trying to upstage him!
Yeah but remember ROC stands for Rain Over Carolinas, only the most hard core gyro heads make it to that one.:mad:
Bensen Days is all warm and sunny, just the wind is a challenge.:D
If you're interested in Dominators then you should definately go to Bensen Days. Some people have commented that there are so many Dominators there it should be called Dominator Days.
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Bensen Days is no doubt bigger than ROC. Keep in mind though, Bensen Days (Fl) is in April, SX Days (Ga) is in July, and ROC (SC) is in October. Given the fact that these fly-ins are so spread out, why not attend all.

You can get good Dominator info from Ernie or anyone who flies them any day of the year, not just at the fly-ins.

ROC is another fly-In that is in October and Ron Awad (Dominator Demonstration Pilot) is the current President of Chapter 13. Chapter 13 puts on ROC every year.

Hope this helps.

Again, thanks for the comments. I'm working to finish an RV-8 by about the end of the Summer, so I won't be doing anything gyro related until after that's flying.

On one hand, I could just forget about it until then, and figure that I could use the RV-8 to visit Dominator builders and pilots.

On the other hand, I need to decide if I want to pursue a Dominator for my single rotor engine platform, and seeing a bunch of flying Dominators now would really help. I currently have a Kolb Slingshot with the engine mounted, but it's not the best fit, and I really don't need another fixed wing plane in addition to the RV-8. If I make the decision that a single place Dominator will work well for the engine, then I could go ahead and sell the Kolb.

Still don't know if I'll make it down there, but I'll try.

Bensen Days is bigger, and usually has better weather.

Both are very good fly-ins, and ROC has a very good social aspect to it the other fly-ins don't quite have.

ROC has been scheduled for a week later this year than normal due to the poor weather we have had 3 years in a row. Hopefully this year we will have clear skys....

SX days..... better brinng sunscreen and we ready for scorching hot temps, but Scotts wife does a great job of keeping us hydrated with cold drinks!
Rusty, going to Bensen Days is well worth the trip. You will not know what you missed until you go and see what this is all about.

Harry, what is stopping you from spending more than a half a day with us? Going to be too busy playing Bingo or something??? ;) I thought you were retired?
The Jennings flyin in May is great in Louisiana. Cajun cooking and good turnout of gyros. If you need something inbetween. BD and ROC.
I'm still working on the schedule for BD, but it's good to know that there are lots of other events around. I seem to notice a bunch of people in LA with gyros, which will be in easy visiting range when the RV-8 is flying.

Thanks again for all the comments,