repost showing figs 1 to 5
repost showing figs 1 to 5
Note - reposted #56 ... have put the pics in here linked to an online album, in text. The previous post #56 used the my rotary forum album. (feedback appreciated)
I'm just about done!, (many will be pleased to hear!)...
Sorry if I am being too pedantic here, but I always had trouble visualizing the two blades at 3 / 9 simply 'swapping ends... ie teetering' quickly enough to cope with the dissymmetry of lift, it is usually just stated that the teetering deals with the lift issue;
Hopefully the last of the 'basic' questions for a while (
please excuse the scratchy hand drawings - best I can do right now!): for a gyro set up as per Jean Claude's diagram in post #46 (fig 1) with 10* mast tilt ..... the set up is such that spindle bolt it in line with the mast in normal S & L cruise, and the tip disc plane is inclined rearward another 2 degrees. (correct?) Ignoring coning and teeter block height/undersling for simplicity.
[fig 1
Therefore the teeter bolt, in rotation, is forming an imaginary disc on a plane with 2* less inclination than the imaginary disc the rotor tip plane path forms. (fig 1 and 2) Viewed from the side at 9 oclock, the teeter bolt is therefore increasing the pitch on the retreating blade at this point. The blade has less AOA before it reaches this point, (coming from 12) then aligns itself with the teeter bolt plane at 9, increasing pitch and AOL, then again it's AOA increases as it swings through to 6, flying parallel to the teeter bolt plane ... etc (side view fig 2)
1. This 'control input point' is where JC's calculated retreating and advancing AOA (post #23) come in to play? (
To equalize the lift, it will take an angle of attack of 1.6 ° for the fast stretch, and 4.4 ° for the other. This occurs when the flapping of the blades is 1.4 ° ). Would the actual flapping angle therefore be greater overall? (probably relates to Q 4 also)
2. So is it therefore the
pilot adjusting the blade pitch at this point and therefore the pitch AOA? ... or is the pitch of the blade that is tilting the teeter bolt rotational plane?
3. If left to it's own devices, would the rotor keep attempting to adjust for the dissymmetry of lift until it hit the stops? The teeter bolt rotational plane has to be held to that position, or the rotor disc will keep pulling it back? (by trim spring or pilot?
fig 2 (front and side view of dic and teeter bolt rotational plane)
Below in Fig 3 is the 'teeter bolt rotational plane' defined, and also showing the different pitch at point A and C (ie 12 and 9 oclock)
(fig 3)
Fig 4 shows CB's cylinder with the blade tip path traced on it ... and 180* of the path (from 12 to 6) if we lay the pipe out flat**:
Q 4. I always find it easiest to think of the blades flying to a lower or higher point ... but do they simply follow a precise path, being pitched as required around that path, therefore creating differing amounts of lift/force? ie - so the teetering angle would not vary with different maneuvers... I find that difficult to imagine?
Fig 4
Q6. Or do they fly a sigmoid path as in Fig 5? (badly drawn ...)
fig 5
** I started to draw the full 360* path of the blade tips laid out flat, and realized I could only draw it as a curve, but wanting to draw the tracing of a flat disc. Then I realized we actually need to project it onto the inside of a sphere, not a cylinder (as per Mercator map projections) .. this makes my head hurt.