A friend is looking for advice???


Aussie in Kansas.
Aug 8, 2011
Whitewater KS
Butterfly Aurora N5560Z / Titanium Explorer N456TE & N488TE/ - trained in MTOsport 446QT/488FB
Total Flight Time
Any comments about this gyro for a friend - looking to get into gyros.

My advice would be - this is a known brand & stable with the CLT & tall tail.

I don't like (or know much about the Hirth engine) - I would advise him to plan an engine upgrade to a rotax 912.

link above to auction site!( & pictures)
Hmm, Skywheels rotor it's not... (in that size that may be a good thing).

I would agree about getting rid of the Hirth F-30 engine.:mad:

I had the F-30 on my gyro and had nothing but problems with it. When the F-30 quit this time on takeoff. I literally took the engine apart and threw it in the Airport dumpster. I disassembled it because I did not want anyone else to try and use it.
I have a Hirrth F3003, dual carb, 100HP on my Tandem Dominator with approx 400 hours on it.
The only issue I have had, was when I first purchased it in 2012. The gearbox input shaft bearing let go; because the previous owner had operated it low or out of gear oil. The engine has never let me down.
One very critical point on a Hirth.
Use a Torque Wrench FOR EVERY THING !!!
IF this one has a clutch driven prop. through the G-40 gearbox
DO NOT operate the engine between 1700-2200 rpm. Either not enough rpm to start engagement or high enough to fully engage...
extended operations in that range, you will be changing the clutch pads every 25 hours.
periodically/annually tension the front cooling fans, if they are allowed to slip under load. you will fry a jug.
Yes ..I thought they were definitely NOT McCutcheons!
about 10-15 years ago. Jim and his son came to Mentone. He was producing his "new" longer blades. I don't remember the guy who testeda set and flew a Tandem Dominator with them on his machine. That guy scared the bejebus out of us. turned out he was a low time pilot.
My memory is a little fuzzy, but I think the hub bar was very much like a Dragonwing. I think Gary Goldsberry got a set of the new McCutchens during that flyin.