1996 purchase of airport in Mentone


Staff member
Nov 16, 2003
AZ @ 4,500'
Discussion area for the Mentone airport purchase of 1996 by the PRA.

Please keep the posts about the current PRA Mentone Runway Fundraiser over there:

"A real MAN honors his contracts he enters into w/ his fellow man, no matter how painful or difficult it may be!"
I joined the PRA in 1987. The airport was purchased in 1996. I spoke @ length w/ Gary Goldsberry in 2015, during the convention. I asked him to relate to me what happened, who was involved, about who were the dissenters, etc.

He refused to name those dissenters to me, who had said many vicious & mean things about him and about the airport purchase, such as their ridiculous claims that Gary had bought himself an airport!

What that great man told me was an incredible story that has benefited the PRA immensely since the airport became the PRA's.

Gary told me the airport was completely paid off in ten years from the purchase date. So, around 2006.

Yes, the runway was in sad shape then. 28 years later is past-time to change that!

There was lots of mud on the grass areas to contend w/ for that first convention, as rains had pelted the region just prior to holding it. GG & others pulled many vehicles out of the goo by tractor. Pictures were in the next ROTORCRAFT issue.

Purchase price (divorce sale) $150K. $50K down from PRA funds. The balance was guaranteed by the excellent credit of both Gary Goldsberry & Art Evans (another really great man who also really believed in & supported the PRA. I wished I had gotten to meet him).

Those two men put their credit & reputations of paying their obligations on the line BIG TIME! If only all people were as honest as them!

They told the seller (an airline ATP who lived in that unusually-shaped home still there on the south edge of the taxiway) that if the PRA ever failed to make the $1K monthly payment, that they would make that payment to him!

Gary said that the seller was knocking on the PRA office door on the first of every month, w/out fail, during those ten years it took to retire that $100K debt owed to him.

The PRA never missed a payment to him!
Honest, hard-working, genuine folks have been the backbone of the PRA and they continue to do so through today!

Many years back, but after the airport purchase, the locations of all the PRA members was plotted. Whomever did that found that Mentone, Indiana was just about smack dab in the middle of the PRA membership population!

Another story re: the airport office manufactured home (that didn't cost the PRA one red-cent), that the PRA enjoys the use of even now, I'll tell, if anyone who hasn't heard it wants to.

It was (reluctantly) told to me straight from the Goldberry's mouth. I had to press him to relate it to me, because it involved him & Art Evans, once again!

"A real MAN honors his contracts he enters into w/ his fellow man, no matter how painful or difficult it may be!"
Nowhere in the PRA by-laws was there any mention that the PRA chapters nor it's members had any vote or say WRT the PRA Board's financial (or otherwise) decisions, such as the airport purchase.

It's just like our elected representatives in government. They are chosen by the vote of the people to make the decisions on our behalf.

Years ago, some brought up the example that when people are EAA (or any other aviation group, such as USULA members), they don't a right to vote on how the EAA or any other aviation organizations spends it's funds.

They are members of the EAA, not sitting in on all financial decisions the leaders make. They belong to the group of like-minded people. They usually have a magazine, newsletter or a website to help members to stay in touch & be informed.

The PRA had a very unusual situation where a small country airport came up for sale @ a very fair price. It's purchase solved many issues the PRA had WRT holding conventions @ other locations, such as:
1. Logistics of sufficient PRA member volunteers (to organize, set-up & tear down).
2. Liability insurance. All those attorneys need their "Vig".
(I have a SIL who is a corporate atty., so I can joke here)
3. Last-minute cancellations by various airports.
4. Confusion as to which airport will it be @ this year, vs. last year's?
5. Airport facilities adequate for a large group of people camping out for 3-4 days. Electrical, plumbing, restrooms, etc.
6. PRA members dissatisfied w/ the convention being held too far away from their home state. "Last year, it was close to me, why is it being held further away from me this year?"

I wasn't involved or attended the PRA Conventions previous to the Mentone ones. But I heard plenty about how the PRA had some conventions around the midwest. such as in OK(?), OH, IN, TX, IL.

There was apparently a couple different ones that the airport authority cancelled the convention just a few weeks prior to the scheduled event!
That left the PRA Board scrambling to locate another willing airport on extremely short notice.

All are planning on attending in a certain location, only to be told a few weeks or even days b/4 the planned event that it had just relocated elsewhere? Huh? Grumble, grumble...

One reasons that I read about in ROTORCRAFT magazine later were those airport authorities becoming alarmed when talking w/ their lawyers about how all the rotor blades & propellers would be spinning around. "OMG! A disaster for liability! Who were the idiots who told the PRA they could hold their convention here?!?! Off with their heads!"

Another reason in that same vein for airport refusals were demands of ultra-high liability insurance premiums. The airports were OK w/ holding the conventions as long as insurance companies would cover all costs in case of accidents.

The PRA Board realized those super-high liability premiums was out of reach of the PRA's budget. The PRA does have liability insurance in place for the Mentone facility. That isn't free.

The PRA TX convention was apparently led by Butterfly gyroplane kit manufacturer Larry Neal, who used a large amount of PRA funds to install airport infrastructure, such as water lines (buried) & electrical lines permanently installed. All those improvements were to become airport property after their installation.

Those improvements were part of the deal struck w/ whichever airport (Waxahachie?) it was held @, as a condition of holding the convention there. It supposedly was the first PRA Convention that lost money...BIG-TIME, due to those required airport improvements.

The PRA Board members work very hard to bring value to PRA members. They explore revenue ideas to bolster the bottom line. They are first & foremost VOLUNTEERS! PRA members don't pay membership dues to reimburse those board members for all the time they spend giving to the PRA's benefit.

It has turned out that the Mentone airport was an extremely wise purchase. PRA Board members put their assets @ risk in order to facilitate the acquisition.

Something many may not know, is that during lean financial times for the PRA over the years, board members dug deep into their own pockets to keep the PRA afloat. I know of one particulat instance where each BM put $1K into the treasury, so the PRA wouldn't go belly up!
They were to be paid back over time from future monies coming into the PRA from conventions & member dues, for their sacrifice.

I seriously doubt the loud-mouth dissenters ever dug into their pockets to help the PRA's finances. Their energy was spent on creating chaos & being obnoxious. The volunteers, hard-workers all, quietly do the real work, while the lazy ones only have enough energy to exhibit their ill-tempers & show how loud they can voice their complaints.

I saw Glen Bundy & Jane's husband (JR) quietly working in the summer heat & humidity, emptying garbage cans & cleaning toilets.

I saw Gary & Sue Goldsberry working in the airport canteen grill, w/ sweat dripping off their noses, working hard to prepare food for the convention attendees. They were wealthy individuals. They could have sat relaxed in their motor home, enjoying the event, not having to do any work. Other volunteers quietly work just like them.

I didn't see the loud-mouths helping one iota.

I have heard stories of how some have yelled & screamed into Gary Goldsberry's & Doug Barker's faces. Appalling. Probably has happened to other PRA past presidents & board members. Possibly has happened to Christine Toevs, current PRA prez...

Volunteers don't volunteer for that disgusting treatment. I have the upmost respect for any PRA officers & board members, who have to love doing what they can to promote & run the PRA. Kuddos to the real, honest people we have willing to make the PRA better through their efforts!

"A real MAN honors his contracts he enters into w/ his fellow man, no matter how painful or difficult it may be!"
THANK YOU Kevin for this very detailed and MUCH NEEDED HISTORY LESSON on PRA and the Mentone airport - as a VERY NECESSARY ASSET!
There are extremely STUBBORN minds and attitudes that still persist out there - who REFUSE to SEE the REALITY of the unsustainable roaming convention era !
Your long time as PRA member and deep knowledge of the history and issues is a greatly valued resource!
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The airport purchase was, and still is a subject of heated discussion for some.

The airport was available for sell, but it was only available at the asking price for a period of time that contacting the membership for a vote was not feasible.

The only communication then was the PRA magazine, or a letter addressed to each member, for consideration.

There is more in the background regarding the funding and financing that went into the purchase that the PRA owes a great debt of gratitude to the then Board Members for their forward thinking regarding the purchase of the airport.
...There is more in the background regarding the funding and financing that went into the purchase that the PRA owes a great debt of gratitude to the then Board Members for their forward thinking regarding the purchase of the airport.
Jeff: I think we'd all love to hear what additional info you can share!
I did not know the airport price was for a limited time only. Sounds like it may have been a special price for the PRA's benefit...
While I repect Kevin’s opinion I believe there are other details to put forth. The Texas fly in is always said to be the only fly in where money was lost due to infrastructure costs. The infrastructure was put in place to be used for future fly ins. These fly ins never took place because Mentone was purchased and future fly ins were routed there.
The discussion of purchasing the Mentone airport never happened. We, the chapters, learned about the purchase after the fact. Most of the West Coast Chapters were not pleased with the purchase as it took all the money PRA had to make it happen and most of us would likely never attend.
The airport wasn’t purchased with the PRA on the deed. Gary and Glens names were listed as owners. This wasn’t told to us it came out when a member investigated the purchase. Gary used Mentone as a base for his gyro and helicopter leading a lot of members to believe the purchase was for self interest. Yes, he was asked that question by many, many members.
The purchase of Mentone began the demise of PRA as we knew it. People quit and chapters folded. This split PRA and caused a loss of membership revenue that stopped our ability to produce a magazine. The magazine was a main driver of new memberships.
When all was said and done most of us bit the bullet and tried to make the most of the circumstance. I know Chapter 5 channeled money to Mentone even knowing most of our members would never use it. A lot of west coast Manufacturers also sent additional money for support of the airport.
We, the Chapters, offered suggestions to assist in the revenue stream. In addition to leasing the farm land around the airport to the farmer who raised Corn, I believe that might have been Gary (my memory may be incorrect on Gary farming it) We suggested a flight school be started at Mentone using initial free rent for anyone willing to set up shop. We believed we needed a draw to bring people out as the airport is out of the way. There were other ideas presented too with few implemented.
So, was the purchase of Mentone a good or bad idea ? The history of Mentone is similar to what Ken Brock said when he said if you hold a flyin at the same place interest in attending will diminish ( I believe only Oshkosh and Sun n Fun have been the exceptions. )
It is my belief that the purchase of Mentone was not in the best interest of PRA. The intention of the purchase may have been but, losing members and PRA benefits didn’t out weigh the limited number of attendees and the low frequency use / cost of having an airport.
The bottom line is it no longer matters. What’s done is done.
The bottom line is it no longer matters. What’s done is done.
EXACTLY - OLD, PAST & HISTORY - We ARE almost 20 years down the road from these events!
These "old ANIMUS- counter-arguments" are no longer relevant, - just historical footnotes!

( see Abid's great review of his cross-country flight to Mentone last year! Peter from LA - has also flown to Oshkosh then Mentone from CA!) .... SO MANY with new-gen gyros can have a marvelous destination event and big XC adventure to attend Mentone convention!).

RV share is a great way to get local camper-owners rent you their camper & set-up on site for on airport accommodations!
My friends from TX attending this year - for the first time, have rented an RV share unit to camp in onsite - as they are trailering their gyro & cannot pull an RV too!
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OH ...and the TX (Waxahtchie) convention - was run by Larry Neal ! - need any more be said!

After that experience Larry HATED PRA & bad-mouthed it!

PRA said Larry Neal was a crook & thief! (His so-called future fly-in "infrastructure" - was a cheap/shoddy install & temporary - at best!)

Gary used Mentone as a base for his gyro and helicopter leading a lot of members to believe the purchase was for self interest. Yes, he was asked that question by many, many members.
Gary's home/ business was many miles away from Mentone and my info from the local PRA chapter members I know in Gary's chapter/gyro club- THIS IS total BS!
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This is a transplanted message from another thread (at moderator request) so it may not flow perfectly here

Why did the past host airports tell PRA do not come back? Anyone know? I was not into gyroplanes back then and probably for the same reason but just curious.
The impression given by those statements was that PRA was infamously turned away from several places, that there was a search for a welcoming place, that options were identified and evaluated, and that Mentone was picked as the best option. Nope. Check out the PRA mag ftom that era and you won't find a hint of that stuff anywhere, because that wasn't the case. The airport became available, board members thought it was too good to pass up, and jumped to buy it, with the deal all done before the general membership knew that buying any airport anywhere was even under consideration.

If people choose to support and maintain the airport now, that's fine. But it isn't necessary to distort the past to justify that support.
....The impression given by those statements was that PRA was infamously turned away from several places, that there was a search for a welcoming place, that options were identified and evaluated, and that Mentone was picked as the best option. Nope. Check out the PRA mag ftom that era and you won't find a hint of that stuff anywhere, because that wasn't the case. The airport became available, board members thought it was too good to pass up, and jumped to buy it, with the deal all done before the general membership knew that buying any airport anywhere was even under consideration...
JR: You've probably hit the nail square on the head! Could it be all the decades of experience you have in the legal system?

I never meant to imply that all the good reasons for the airport purchase were planned out ahead of time. In retrospect, though, I believe it turned out very well for all the reasons we've come to realize decades later.

I can still remember reading the words of LeRoy Hardee, of Tennessee, in ROTORCRAFT magaziine (he & Cindy were the new owners of the SnoBird kit gyroplane business) as he challenged PRA members to dig deep to help support the Fly-Mart @ Mentone, for the good of the PRA!

LeRoy's words then are good even now, after almost 30 years later!

Still, Mentone, Indiana is fairly centrally located for the US population masses.

I well remember us west-coast PRA Chapter members feeling dismay @ the PRA's airport purchase & headquarters being located 2,500 miles away from the left-coasters. But, hey, that's the price we pay for having so many US states "united" in purpose & geography.
First of all I donated to the runway fund. I need to renew my membership. I have joined PRA and membership expired several times over the years dating way back. I will do my best to attend this year and fly in. But since it was brought up I would like to know the name on the deed? Is it the PRA or someone signed for the PRA or is it in someone's name period.
The Mentone airport is owned and deeded to the PRA Mentone Inc, which is not the as the Popular Rotorcraft Association.

Due to the rules if Indiana, the PRA could not borrow the money for the purchase of the airport. Mr. Goldsberry worked with a bank to purchase the airport using his credit. This allowed the airport to be purchased and the PRA made the payments for the airport. The airport is owned by PRA Mentone Inc. Mr. Goldsberry never intended for the airport to be his.

PRA Mentone Inc, is a separate legal entity than the Popular Rotorcraft Association for legal liability reason. If there is a lawsuit brought against one, there a shield protecting the assets of the other.
The Mentone airport is owned and deeded to the PRA Mentone Inc, which is not the as the Popular Rotorcraft Association.

PRA Mentone Inc, is a separate legal entity than the Popular Rotorcraft Association for legal liability reason.
Hi Jeff,

A germane question: Who owns/controls PRA Mentone?

Yes, but somebody owns it, even when nonprofit. Is it a membership corporation, with membership identical to the PRA? Or does PRA hold 100% of the shares of PRA Mentone Inc.? Is the Board the same? Is there a contract between the two entities? Do donations to one pass through to the other?
While I repect Kevin’s opinion I believe there are other details to put forth. The Texas fly in is always said to be the only fly in where money was lost due to infrastructure costs. The infrastructure was put in place to be used for future fly ins. These fly ins never took place because Mentone was purchased and future fly ins were routed there.
The discussion of purchasing the Mentone airport never happened. We, the chapters, learned about the purchase after the fact. Most of the West Coast Chapters were not pleased with the purchase as it took all the money PRA had to make it happen and most of us would likely never attend.
The airport wasn’t purchased with the PRA on the deed. Gary and Glens names were listed as owners. This wasn’t told to us it came out when a member investigated the purchase. Gary used Mentone as a base for his gyro and helicopter leading a lot of members to believe the purchase was for self interest. Yes, he was asked that question by many, many members.
The purchase of Mentone began the demise of PRA as we knew it. People quit and chapters folded. This split PRA and caused a loss of membership revenue that stopped our ability to produce a magazine. The magazine was a main driver of new memberships.
When all was said and done most of us bit the bullet and tried to make the most of the circumstance. I know Chapter 5 channeled money to Mentone even knowing most of our members would never use it. A lot of west coast Manufacturers also sent additional money for support of the airport.
We, the Chapters, offered suggestions to assist in the revenue stream. In addition to leasing the farm land around the airport to the farmer who raised Corn, I believe that might have been Gary (my memory may be incorrect on Gary farming it) We suggested a flight school be started at Mentone using initial free rent for anyone willing to set up shop. We believed we needed a draw to bring people out as the airport is out of the way. There were other ideas presented too with few implemented.
So, was the purchase of Mentone a good or bad idea ? The history of Mentone is similar to what Ken Brock said when he said if you hold a flyin at the same place interest in attending will diminish ( I believe only Oshkosh and Sun n Fun have been the exceptions. )
It is my belief that the purchase of Mentone was not in the best interest of PRA. The intention of the purchase may have been but, losing members and PRA benefits didn’t out weigh the limited number of attendees and the low frequency use / cost of having an airport.
The bottom line is it no longer matters. What’s done is done.
So sir, have you ever attended a national event at Mentone while Sue and Gary were alive? If you had you would have seen devoted people who not only put their credit on the line to give gyros world wide a place we could call home, but you would have seen two people who worked their asses off for the benefit of visitors and members for years and years. The BS that was spewed back then was just that, I saw none of that. I saw a man and woman who spent every moment of their retirement promoting and supporting all gyros. Funny all of the rumors was said was going to happen when the airport was paid off never happened.

The BS that Gary used it as his base of operations I am pretty sure isn’t true. He was based at Greencastle as long as I knew him which was since ‘86 Bensen Days. That is when we met he and Art. Dad, Chuck, and thought it funny that a Northern from Indiana would call his gyro a Dixie Chopper. Art explained it was his lawnmower business.

At the time of the purchase of Mentone Art was at the top of his success and could have bought it with his pocket change if he wanted. Gary was no slouch either. If he wanted for himself he could have bought it outright too. He was a successful sign maker and never flaunted his own wealth. Unless you call driving a 25 year old two stroke diesel retired greyhound bus showing off your money. So whomever started the BS narrative that they bought for themselves obviously didn’t know the selfless men I did.

The PRA did lease land not used for camping or the runway was leased to local farmers as is very common in the area. The crops would be soy beans on year and corn the next. These lease payments were used for the benefit of the PRA.

The only person whom I ever knew tried to run a flight school at Mentone that I am aware of was the late Duane Hunn. He was not successful and was asked to leave when it was discovered he was living there.

Gary wouldn’t teach during the fly-in. He was busy working his ass off serving the membership whom just complained and did little to nothing to help. That man was a friggin saint and gave us a place of our own where no one can kick us out. I’m not sure if you have experienced the discrimination we here in Florida have. We were even looked down on by radio control aircraft. Davie landed at one of their fields from engine trouble. They said ok well your not welcome back.

The only people who can take our home from us is us. I wish people would quit with this bashing of a place they most likely never been. BTW I knew Ken Brock very well. He was practically worshiped on the West Coast. I promise he was just a man. I told him the hero worship of him I ran into when I was stationed in Arizona. He and Jim Eich had a good laugh. I told Marie she should have bought him a cape he didn’t need rotor blades.
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...BTW I knew Ken Brock very well. He was practically worshiped on the West Coast. I promise he was just a man. I told him the hero worship of him I ran into when I was stationed in Arizona. He and Jim Eich had a good laugh. I told Marie she should have bought him a cape he didn’t need rotor blades.

I remember hearing the agitators spouting that Gary bought himself an airport in Mentone w/ the PRA's money. He lived some 160 miles away in Greencastle, west of Indianapolis. I knew from that wild accusation that the loud-mouths didn't know what they were talking about.

They have a great airport there & PRA Chapter 34 has been an real active gyro group for many, many years.
First of all I donated to the runway fund. I need to renew my membership. I have joined PRA and membership expired several times over the years dating way back. I will do my best to attend this year and fly in. But since it was brought up I would like to know the name on the deed? Is it the PRA or someone signed for the PRA or is it in someone's name period.
Wonderful to hear you may attend Mentone 2024, Dick - THREE TAGS - we will be a show-for sure! Tim, You & I .... let's get some more TAGs coming this way!
AND many thanks for your donation and renew membership ...every bit COUNTS!
My glider club is structured so that no major capital asset (hangars, buildings, land, aircraft, etc.) can be sold or purchased without a membership vote in response to a Board proposal. That has saved a great deal of trouble over the years by ensuring "buy-in" (literally and figuratively) from the members on all the big $ transactions.