Hi Vance, Chris Burgess GYRO-CFI here. I still "cringe" when I read your posting a 180 turn in 52kt winds. You know if you maintain a constant indicated airspeed through out the whole turn, there is no difference in the turn. I suspect you lost airspeed in your turn and this is easily mistaken as a problem with downwind turns. Stan posted the "best" response, making a constant rate coordinated turn around a "free floating" balloon. You commented looking outside and seeing the nose pointing down. Under those conditions, you need to make "darn" sure your airspeed is constant as well as the bank angle. You also said you may have over compensated with rudder. This is also a contributor to a poorly coordinated turn and causing some of your airspeed loss. You're a good friend sir, please keep you personal limits a little lower rather then expanding them till you have an incident. Still love that gyro. Has Ed tried my "bank robbers mask" yet.?