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  • Mr Vance , I have been posying questions about my KB3 . I want to be safer and ai need some advice on a horizontal stabilizer.What doyou know as the best arrangment ? 864-324-2210 Redd Gardner.I will be at Benson days .
    I look forward to visiting with you at Bensen Days cyckeflyer. My phone number from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm pacific time is (805)680-9523.
    ar ya going to Oshkosh or Mentone ?
    Breese is my surname. I am planning on driving to Air Venture and the PRA convention Red. I will be giving two talks at the PRA convention.
    Good afternoon Curtis, I will be driving a rental car to Mentone. If you can find someone who will allow us to fly their gyroplane I can give you training although we will head off to Fulton County airport seven miles to the south west. My insurance does not cover their aircraft and it is not unusual for training exercises to be a little hard on a gyroplane. I am also happy to give ground instruction.
    I saw your post on the Rotary Forum about you coming to the 2020 PRA convention. Will you be flying the Predator in?
    Will you be available for some training time? OR do you want to relax and talk shop with other enthusiasts?

    Curtis Scholl
    Ref: <<<(Kolibri) Vance, when did "possibility" become a synonym of "probability"? >>>

    Directly responding to Kolibri is against my "Religion". But...

    You might want to remind him that the ASRA investigators speak Australian and not American English.
    Nuances can often get lost in translation.

    Australian "Real Possibility" = American "Probable Cause"
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    I don't want to feed the troll Bill. He has trouble comprehending even reality.
    Uncle Willie
    Uncle Willie
    Well understood!
    I am surprised that you fed him for this long.

    I tried to PM you but was rejected because you had reached your limit.
    Is your PM box full?
    "...and later I was the head of design at a motorcycle manufacturer in Gilroy, Ca so I have some experience with welding, materials and design."

    That is so cool. What do you think of the current Indian lineup under Polaris?
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    I feel the current lineup is much better than anything we did in Gilroy. Many there did not understand the difference between Harley Davidson and Indian. I particularly like the cast frame backbone, it is something we explored to manage vibration but the engineering department was afraid of castings. The Scouts have an interesting engine. I have not ridden any of them and have not ridden much since I received my Private Pilot Certificate. I still have my security badge that reads Secret Designer.
    Good to meet you at the Brock El Mirage fly-in. I was the shaggy gimp with Dudley, the big black poodle.

    The slow motion video of the rotors departing that gyro is the best example of stability comes from the aft loading at the rotor head I have ever seen. We talked about maintaining aft stick to provide stability on touch down / landing roll, but the video shows it beyond explanation. It even demonstrates what happens when a gyro, less rotors, is operated by someone just to see what it feels like. We had carnage and fatalities early on just taxing "a little bit" without the blades.

    Glad to see your instructing in gyros. Do you have experience in the old school Bensen / Brock configurations?

    Kevin Morris & Dudley

    [email protected]
    I sent you an email that August 11 would work fine and about needing to go through the TSA if I am going to do a flight review for you. Call me at (805)680-9523
    Hi Vance, as of today, I am in San Jose, CA, and will be here for the week. I can arrange some toüime on the 11 Aug, if that would suit you. What domyou say?

    Greetings, -- Chris.
    lẳng lặng xoay người cấp tốc rời khỏi. Sau khi đi ra thật xa tới ven một

    khu rừng rậm, sắc mặt Vương Lâm u ám đứng trầm ngâm ở đó. Xem như hắn

    hiểu biết thêm về sự độc ác của Thi Âm Tông. Nếu như hắn không kịp ngăn
    dịch vụ kế toán thuế trọn gói trung tâm kế toán tại tphcm học kế toán tại cầu giấy chung cư newskyline văn quán

    cản gã tu sĩ kia bóp nát ngọc giản, chỉ sợ hiện tại chính hắn đã trở

    thành thức ăn bồi bổ trong bụng của đám quái vật.

    Vương Lâm cười lạnh mấy tiếng, hắn biết rõ trong Quyết Minh cốc này tiềm
    Vance, looking for a sport pilot CFI course on DVD. Any suggestions. Just left Benson days, had a great time. Met Terry from Autogyro USA today at Sun n Fun, great lady. Was told my MTO has been shipped, pretty excited.
    Thank you Vance for the info on the oil testing. I will plan to add it to my list of procedures. I fly only ethanol free Mogas 90-93 octane and using a filter funnel wherever possible, with an occasional 100LL top up if I have no other option

    Hi Vance -

    Normally, would/should the rotor head be level, sde-to-side, when the stick is centered, side-to-side ?


    sadly, the manufacturer is not trustworthy, IMO. We nearly rolled her yesterday. Am asking for yer opinions, thots :)
    Hi Vance, Chris Burgess GYRO-CFI here. I still "cringe" when I read your posting a 180 turn in 52kt winds. You know if you maintain a constant indicated airspeed through out the whole turn, there is no difference in the turn. I suspect you lost airspeed in your turn and this is easily mistaken as a problem with downwind turns. Stan posted the "best" response, making a constant rate coordinated turn around a "free floating" balloon. You commented looking outside and seeing the nose pointing down. Under those conditions, you need to make "darn" sure your airspeed is constant as well as the bank angle. You also said you may have over compensated with rudder. This is also a contributor to a poorly coordinated turn and causing some of your airspeed loss. You're a good friend sir, please keep you personal limits a little lower rather then expanding them till you have an incident. Still love that gyro. Has Ed tried my "bank robbers mask" yet.?
    Vanctil e
    We met a gyru guy that has a big gyro. I think it was a Space something 18. Think his name was bell or ball. I plan on attending 1st Sunday at SPZ and want to ask him to be there. I have his card but am in Baja until 31 Jan and card is in USA.
    Could you email me his name and email?
    Russ Owens, [email protected]
    You are correct. That is a picture of kevins Sportcopter at El mirage.
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