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  • Hello Sven,

    Otto Keyes from Moscow, ID here. I saw some of your posts from awhile back, but haven't had a chance to get on the forum lately. I'm a gyro newbie with just a few lessons under the belt, but want to pursue it however I can.

    I am also a traveling harp surgeon (pedal harp technician) :-) and will be heading to Edmonton this week to do some harp work there for about 10 days.

    I know you're a good bit off hwy 2, but it would be great to get together while I'm up that way.....if I can work out the time. I never really know how my schedule will work out since harps seem to come out of the woodwork when I'm in town, and I just keep working until I run out of harps. However, I'm not averse to making a short detour on the way home if I have the time.

    Just thought I would touch base with you to see if you'll be around for the next 10 days - 2 weeks, and there might be a chance to get together.

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