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  • Jim, Your post re the ammunition wasted reminded me of the time a man crashed and died in his homebuilt airplane near where we were living. There was a ballistic chute in the wreckage...the chute hadn't been deployed and was not damaged.
    Firemen on the scene didn't know what ballistic chutes were and only heard that it had an ex[losive charge in it to make it open.
    The firemen dug a 5 foot hole, put the ballastic chute in it and blew it up !!!
    A guy who was saving up to buy a chute for his ultralight A/C almost cried.
    Duane is presently in Iowa and is suppose to be back sometime in May, for good this time, he has been staying up in the Lansing area with his son, but is home based with the PRA 70 group at the Coldwater airport.
    I am anxiously waiting for his return and my flying lesson to start in my RAF, Duane has helped a lot of people over the years that is for sure.
    Oh and yes he is indeed a CFI with mutiple ratings certified to work on them also....
    Jim, retired and having fun in Battle Creek
    Hi Sheldon how we doin? It's been a while since I've written you. Your last letter mentioned that Duane Hunn has moved up to somewhere near coldwater, is that correct? I'm pretty sure it was with Duane that I took my very first flight in a gyro, back in 2000. This was at Fond du lac, Wisc. My son and I were in the area for Air Venture. Do you know, is Duane a CFI gyro? Well Sheldon please write back and let me know where you are at with your gyro hobby. Thanks, Joe Daly, farmer-fruit grower, Hart, Mi. 231 873 3894.
    Wow sounds like fun and always wanted to go to Benson days, but right now I have made a prior with a friend that wants me to go with to take some stuff to his daughter in Phoenix in March, not sure of just what the dates are, but we will also be stopping by fort Huachuca AZ where my daughter is stationed. If we are back in time sounds good but at present time may be a factor, if you like I will ask the rest of our Chapter 70 group if any of them are interested.
    Hi Sheldon, how's it going? I plan to be heading for central Fla. final week of March for addtl. training AND a visit to sun 'n fun. Will be training at Wauchula with Mrs. McGowen and Seace. Then the following week is Bensen Days, which is held right there in Wauchula. But I plan to return home before then. Would there be anyone down your way , a good driver, who would want to ride along with me and share duties? I'll cover all the fuel. Please let me know. Thanks, joe.
    Mr. Sheldon, do you own/fly a gyro? I own a 2005 build Butterfly Monarch (seems backwards but it's not). 582 w/g-force gear. Have not flown my gyro, yet: Currently I am in training, have 20hrs. dual instruction so far, more to come this week in Wauchula Fla. Hope to return to Steve McGowen down in Macon in early April. Will be taking my gyro with me. Who knows, may leave outta there with a 90 day student certificate. What is your experience with gyroplanes? Is there a group of you? Thanks, Joe Daly, Hart, Mi.
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