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  • Hello Ron.
    This is Mike Vadney. I see you at Mentone each year. One time I even dropped in on you at your Bed & Breakfast when my SportCopter engine died. A lot beans that year.
    I have been the eternal student pilot under Chris Burgess and I wanted to get my SP ticket. I am now taking the PRA SP class through Tim'O. How would I get my practical test done? Is that something that you do at Mentone or what?
    My direct email is [email protected]
    Hello Ron,
    Tony Stiles suggested I contact you with a question.
    I am soon to begin a build of a Barnett J4B2 - plans are for the tandem but I would prefer modding to the coupe. Tony complains about yaw stability;ity issues in the coupe design and I suggested that perhaps some form of 'winglet' vertical stabs might be help in this regards. He mentioned something 'like' the A&S 18A and suggested I contact you.

    Do you have anything to offer in this respect? I would greatly appreciate your opinion.

    Ron,,,,,, Do you have an e-mail address?
    I would like to ask you some questions regarding LSA rating.
    Ron Iaconis
    Ron: I'm sure you are busy this time of the year. Could you look at the for sale items on the forum, RFI 150? I don't think I'm going to be able to fit into my gyro, with the metal knee, weight, and 6'5" frame. This might be a good alternative. Let me know whast you think. Thanks. Bob Henderson
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