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  • Denis, I hope to start working on parts for a Horret gyro, I have built a few PPC frames and looking for more challenge. I want to make sure I have the latest plans, could you send me 14 if you recomend starting with them, let me know if you are awair of any errors. By the way I am very impressed with you and Brent's machines you built. Would you consider building me a roter head? If so price? I am not far from you in ST. Michael , I know Brent. Thanks
    Hi Denis, I see you're an engineer. Would you be able to help modify a Gyrobee or Hornet to accommodate a Rotax 583 and an airframe to support a 340 lb pilot? I know either design will need suspension and extra bracing. Do you think going up to 3/16" tubing would be a better choice for the Keel & Boom? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Deryk
    Hey Denis,

    How r you, your build is absolutely breath taking, I almost started over on my Hornet cuz yours is so beautifully crafted! I wish I had your skills and equipment!! Speaking of which...can I call you on the phone and if so when would be a good time of day to call.

    my number is 813-398-4424 and you my friend can call anytime! I rarely sleep anyway. Hope to hear back from you soon. LOL Take care you MASTER fabricator you!! :wave:
    Hello Denis,
    I found some other electric motor - pre-rotator setups that might be useful. The electric bike and scooter world have some powerful light weight motor battery combo's worth checking out... and there r a few others. just letting you know. Take care. Darren Hornet Flyer
    Hornet Flyer here,
    I have a light weight electric setup you might be interested in, very fast way to pre-rotate and easy to setup, the new light weight aircraft lithium batteries are a fraction of the weight of lead acid batteries. I plan to use a hi horsepower mini rc aircraft electric motor that's variable speed to spin up my rotors. It will be lighter and more powerful than anything out there for pre-rotators I've seen so far, of course i have yet to actually use it. Still building my Super Hornet. Oh, I'm using 23' Dragon Wings. C-Ya.
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