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  • I was going to see if a bensen rotorhead would fit but it wasn't even close. I sold my pitbull to someone from Arizona a few years ago. @ gyros was a little much to take care of and the bensen is much easier to take out and put away. I would have answered this right off but I didn't know the messages existed. I just discovered now how to access them. John M
    Hello John, I was reading old posts on the Pitbull and noticed you mentioned (some five years ago?) that you were going to change the rotorhead on your Pitbull to a different style. If you did and if you still have it I would be interested in buying it. I have posted a "wanted" under a different thread today asking for a unit to purchase or working drawings. Also----hardly any mention of the Pitbull on the forum except in negative terms or at best, puzzlement. Are you still flying yours? Do you know if John (VanVoorhies?) is still active in building the Pitbull? Thanks, Jim.
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