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  • Hi Fred,

    My Name is Stuart Reynolds,we have not me but Share a Common interest in the Little Wing Gyro and Rotorcraft in general.I am interested in building the Two place in the
    near future.I work at New Kent County Airport just a few miles from Richmond.
    Mainly I just wanted to Make Contact with a Fellow gyro enthusiast and Saw you had built and flown a Little Wing Which is great!
    I would love to see your project sometime,I do have the LW Plans and I'm still trying to
    Decide on a short or Long 2 place(I have a PPL fixed wing and have 1 Hour in a R22 But
    none in a Gyro mostly due to Weight Currently 230 and working gettting down to 210 or
    Thanks For your response and looking forward to Seeing you Machine in person!
    Hi, got your message ok, where did we meet? Wrens, Barrys flyin? Whats your name?
    Mine is FRED P. Ive sold my LW-3 to a guy down south in Louisana. Now im working on my project gyro dayly. I took it to Barrys flyin in N.C. We did the hang test and ran engine. Only had two instruments not working, Ive allready corrected them. Take care, Fred
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