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  • D
    i have lowered my price to 10,000 can if any one is interested
    feel free to come see the gyro any time..im looking to get 12000. for it.
    you can reach me at 250-819-1593 Brad
    Hi John

    My name is Tony Castro, I have a Bensen/Brock gyro that I'd been flying for a while,
    looking at this forum I knew that you were building a PitBull.
    I would like to build a tractor type gyro, and was wondering if you have some drawings
    about the frame of the pitbull that you can get copied for me, I am willing to pay you
    for those drawings when ever you get them ready.

    Please let me know if this is doable, I am in the forum as: TCastro
    My e-mail is <[email protected]>, my cell is: 678 733-0165


    Mark I have a Pitbull that is being upgraded. Adding a 120 H engine, and a new HS with winglets and a dorsal fin I also am building a Hornet but it is on the back burner tell the Bull is in the air.
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