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  • I was just thinking what a difference in weight and strength it would make! A reduction of half the weight of the rotor head and increase by half the strength of the blades would make the single seaters able to carry more fuel, another person or a larger engine...cool!
    That stuff is also being used in the new battery technology. It will surpass anything on the market once it becomes commercially available (it isn't yet AFAIK)
    Graphene is built in single organized layers of carbon atoms......amazing stuff.

    Sorry, I'm on new meds to treat my back issue and they are f'king me up! The side affects are as bad as the injury.
    Joe, My aerobalsa blades were kinda flimsy compared to my other blades. I wrapped them in carbon fiber, but I havent flown them yet so I don't know how well they work. The other blades were 1/16 plywood bonded to a balsa core with a heavy piano wire for balance. Much heavier than aerobalsa, but sturdy for sure.
    I have one of those rotogliders and spent a whole aternoon trying to make it fly for my grandson.

    I have changed heads to a three bladed one with plastic hinges....it works good in front of the fan!

    How's your LPC's? Hope you are doing better than the last time we talked.

    I had forgotten about the considerations for scaling up/down of rotorcraft. Most RC helos use a rigid hub that does not teeter. The mass of RC helos is not enought to use a teetering hub assembly. Not sure if that affects your gyrocopter. There was a gyrocopter kite that I believe does not use a flapping hub like full scale gyros. Might be worth a look. Google gyro kite and take a closer look.
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