My Xenon is turbocharged and I just put the larger pistons in it bumping it from 120 to about 140 Hp. Only 1 flight since the upgrade so no report yet. I think the 915is is the way to go today, or some guys in Europe are doing the crank weld and larger pistons on a 915is which would be about the best you could do. My airport is at 7,500 in Colorado.
The Magni and Autogyro models fly similarly which is to say very stable, but it takes tons of force to hold and move the stick. I find them exhausting to fly. The Xenon is like flying a helicopter, I mostly just think about a turn and apply a bit of pressure. Straight and level it’s just my thumb and forefinger on the stick.
I flew an ELA in Europe and liked it reasonably well.
If I were buying today I definitely would try the AR1- Abid who owns the company is the most knowledgeable guy in the gyro biz. not flown one myself, but think highly of him. Unlike so many in the gyro world, he came from real aviation.
If you are interested in a Xenon, get the Trendak version. A bunch of politics there. Call me at 719-896-1298 if you have questions
Luggage space for me is two suitcaes each abot 20x14x7", but since I have short legs I have even more space behind my seat
You are definitely higher in altitude than me. I'm about 4,500 ft here in Logan Utah.
I know what you mean about stick force. I've had demo flights in the Cavalon which had a TON of stick shake and more stick force than I was expecting. I also flew in an M24 that I liked better but still had much higher stick forces than I expected.
I would be all over the AR-1 if my wife wasn't so set on SxS seating. I've read a lot of Abid's posts and emailed him a couple times. My wife is worried about getting air sick sitting in the back seat. I should get her up in a tandem so she can make an informed decision.
Vance who seems knowledgeable about gyro's mentioned in a post that if he were looking for a new ship it would be the AR-1 also.
I've read that Celier/Argo isn't the most stable company. Trendak seems to have a good reputation but doesn't have any dealers in the US that I know of. Airgyro used to be the Trendak dealer in the US. That's why I was looking at Airgyro and their AG915. It appears to be the same machine as the Tercel and Xenon but marketed by Airgyro here in the US.