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  • Hello there, I was wondering if you had finished the ignition system for Mac engines yet. You also mentioned something about electric starter? Can you help me? Please use Private message. Thank's, J. Fagan
    Hi Karl just wondering if you still have the Bensen blades or any other bensen or KB2 parts ? Thanks Mark 509-670-1446
    I am looking to buy a BENSON HUB BAR, does anyone have one for sale? OR I would like to get rid of a SET of NEW (never been flown, benson blades), I also have a set of Rotor Hawlk blades and hub bar that are 24' long with 8" cordes. Does anyone want them? Make an offer on both sets. With this money, I would like to buy a set of DW 22' long for my KB-2 gyro. Thank U
    My mac was a 72 hp engine not a 90. I sold it a year ago. I sold the propeller with it. Start a thread on the forum asking about 90hp mac props. There are several people who fly the the 90 hp engines. I think some people are using Tennesee props.
    I do not have any information on the McCholloch engines or props. I do know that a member user name Timchick flew and used a Mac for a long time and would have that information for you. Contact him on the forum I am sure he will help you out.

    pritty cool I'm just lerning on my Bensen B8m With 90hp super mac. I'm not a pilot yet spent about 2 hrs taxiing it on the 7-20-09 very fun I resisted getting it off the ground more than 3 or 4 ft looking forward to doing it again. your invention sounds good & well needed good luck & maybe once I'm a real pilot I'll have to purchase it for my Bensen Thanks Mark
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