
Farmer Jim's ground crew/navigator/copilot-in-training. Orienteer,former snow skier,sport scuba diver, photographer,horsewoman/jillaroo.

PPR-G , LSA repairman,IRMT 912 service, maintenance.
Apr 3, 1956 (Age: 68)
Whitewater KS
Butterfly Aurora N5560Z / Titanium Explorer N456TE & N488TE/ - trained in MTOsport 446QT/488FB
Total Flight Time
Real Name
Chris(tine) Toevs
Farmer (retired) ..."gyro-gypsy "!
Primary Airport
KEWK/ Toevs hayfield


Chris T.
3Rs - Rotors rock & rule!

"Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be bent out of shape." Buck B.

Time flies if you can but only the slowest.

PRA# 42127
EAA# 1126845


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