Thanks for your concern. This may be a great forum for regulars, but this newbie doesn't feel welcome. My first post with an idea for a tail design was criticized without even understanding what was being proposed. I'm old, a senior engineer is a couple of disciplines, a machinist and a fabricator and no stranger to being criticized, but usually it is based in reality.
So I have this idea to fix the steering nose wheel issue that gyros have, hence the name of my thread. But then after I typed it up, I reconsidered the treatment from the first post and tried to delete the post. But that is not apparently allowed by newbies, so I just deleted the text of the post. And even that had to be criticized. Maybe good fun among friends, but off putting for a newbie.
I have been studying the Gyrobee and its derivatives off and on since about 1998, and have read most everything ever typed about one, but there must be a friendlier forum somewhere.
Thanks again,