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  • That looks like a family run town, very small. But at least you have a post office! Do you fly? Have a gyro?


    Sorry I haven't responded - I didn't see your message until today. I don't have a gyro, but I am very interested. I went to mentone this year and got a couple of rides, ELA Eclipse, and Silverlight AR1. Lots of fun. I am not a pilot, have only flown fixed wings a few times with friends who are pilots. We are at 4000 ft MSL, so I have questions about how well a gyro with a 582 would perform, especially on a hot day.

    Yeah, SL is a small town. We do have a post office, a parts store, a church, and even a convenience store. I like to say if yiou live here for 3 years, you won't want to leave. We are kind of like a fungus, we grow on you.

    How about you, I see you have a snowbird tandem, how long have you been flying? Did you learn on your Gyro? Who gave you your flight instruction?

    Thanks for the message
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