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  • You will need to make sure the sensor is about the thickness of a playing card to make sure it is the right distance from the ring gear. If it is too far it will not pick it up. The sensor is nothing than a burglar alarm actuator. It works on the same principle. It works to activate and deactivate as the magnet passes by it. Then the RRPM gage counts the activations; Hope this helps
    Thanks Harry. Appreciate the information. Larry did contact me earlier from a post I put out there. I did want to explore all of my options. The only two HS's I've found for the RAF that are still in production are Larry's and the one currently in production for the Air Command. Everyone has raved about Larry's so at this point, I think I'll steer his way.

    Thanks again and happy flying!
    Hi Chris,

    The HS on my machine was from "KJ Sandyeggo" but are no longer in production...long story...

    The winglets do serve a purpose and add to reducing the yawing of the RAF. May I recommend the stab that's put out by Larry Boyer. You can contact him thru the forum. I know a couple guys that have his stab and they are really satisfied with it.

    Thanks for asking.

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