This is every handyman's dream come true

Those things really work! Sometimes you even find out where the wiring lays inside the walls!
Yes, yes! I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to get the color coding correct for proper operation.

One person reports that he not only located the wire in the wall, it actually opened the wall for him.
Sell it to the global warming freaks, Arnie, for fitting to all electrical appliances.
Built from sustainable wood, should keep em happy.
look out for the low voltage gadget. clicked on the link to get build instructions, and got a virus on my computer...
I often get those pop-ups, when directed to obscure pages, that when you try to close them, they simply interpret it as your agreeing to their install and the virus is on its way.

I don't click to close this kind of viral pop-up; but simply reach over and hit the power button on my computer - off.

Upon startup, when I open the browser, it asks if I want to restore the pages that were open when the machine shut down. I click "NO", or I will likely get the same viral pop-up again.

This works for me. I always power down first, ask questions later.
run Firefox -
Once you install it, make it your default browser, and never open Internet Explorer again.
This is highly effective for cutting down on virus problems in Windows.

You will have to reinstall a couple of things like Flash to watch youtube vids, but it is easy.
I would buy one in a heartbeat..

I would buy one in a heartbeat..

to put on the counter in my shop! Helps cut down on the boredom factor.
Reminds me of my "snowbird trap" I invented.
Wife said it was too cruel to be in the shop so it went away, but damn we were laughing our asses off until she saw it.
Ben S