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  • Hello Teal,
    We talked some time ago. My 2.2 Subaru locked up and died Saturday. Jack Fisher is still putting his Yamaha on with your adapter. I would like to go that route, but I don't have the time to spend on it like he does. Can you point me to anyone that installs a motor conversion? I'm up near Chicago and would need the gearbox and adapter from you.
    Hello Teal,

    My only problem with Greg is the way he markets his (many times phantom) products. The lifetime warranty on a clutch that has never flown, the most reliable reduction drive (which only exists in prototype form). You as well as anyone knows the risks of these conversions and I really hope that anyone who purchases many of his products realize that they are indeed the first ones to run that gearbox with that clutch. Maybe people are smarter than I give them credit for and realize they are test pilots but the screen of "amazing reliability and performance" he puts up would make that hard.
    Hello Teal,

    You should look into making a YG4 adapter to the Autoflight 3 gear gearbox for the fixed wing crowd. Neil H has recently posted pictures of the 3 gear gearbox.

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